Monday, February 28, 2011

{EASY} St. Patrick's Day Craft

I've been wanting to decorate my house for St. Patrick's Day, but have been gone on vacation {more on that later}.  I found something like this on another blog, and thought it would be fast, cheap and easy.  For once, I was right!

I used my handy-dandy Silhouette and cut those cute little clovers out.  Fold up the sides and add some glitter {cuz that's how I roll} and wallah!

(once again, I'm a bad picture-taker with an even badder (yes, I know that's not a word) camera}

Monday, February 14, 2011

All Dressed Up

This is a special Valentine's Day edition of All Dressed Up.

Take a looksy~
I couldn't decide if I wanted "cute flats" or "hot heels."
I can't believe the small stripe/big stripe thing worked. I kind of like it!
shirt: Ross, cardi: F21, jeans: AEO, heels: Marshalls, flats: Target, necklace: BR, headband: Target, slut-red lipstick: ??

Now on to way cuter people...
 Talk about handsome!
{I made that tie!!}
Believe it or not, I did not tell him to pose like that!
I told him I wanted to take a picture of him cute V-Day outfit, and this is what he did.
Love it!!!
{I made that bowtie, too!! They are WAY easy to do.}

I hope you all have enjoyed the Valentine edition of All Dressed Up.

Now go give your honey some lovin'!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The {Best} Tortilla Dessert

I found this recipe in a magazine a couple of years ago.  I just memorized it so I can't remember exactly where I got it, so sorry for no credit. 
(Maybe someone knows where it came from and can give them credit?)

I know this probably isn't the best picture for showing how yummy this dessert is, but it IS yummy!
You just have to try it and see :)

1st- I think the best tortillas are the ones where you have to cook them before you can eat them, so that's what you do.  Take two tortillas and cook them up :)
Make sure not to cook them too far on one side because it's going to get cooked more.

 brush one side of the tortilla with butter and sprinkle same side with cinnamon sugar.

Put the butter and sugar side down on the pan and start to add your yumminess:
chocolate chips, marshmallows, and bananas.

Then put the other side on top so it can melt together.
(Remember to put the butter and sugar side on top so you can flip it and get a nice sugary crust on the other side, too!)
So it'll look like this!!

Take it off your pan and slice however you like.
  It might look a little grody right now, but it's not, I promise!

Enjoy :)

Here's a picture of the plate I had the dessert on before I took its glamour shot (circa 1987):

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Holy Magenta!

I've so enjoyed linking up with this great lady on Wednesdays! It's really got my creative juices flowing for changing up my outfits.  So, thank you No Model Lady, for the boost in my bland wardrobe!
{Link up and play along :)}

 I was uber-excited when I found these tights at JCPenney for a whopping 2.97.  
I was super-duper excited when I found some matching magenta fabric to make me a matching flower necklace. {Do I hear a what-what?!}
 The only problem? What shoes to wear with it?!
Yellow are oh so cute, but I'm still not used to the tights with open-toed shoes yet.
Then again, there's my grey heels.  Oh the choices!

What do you think???

skirt: Old Navy, shirt: Banana Republic, cami: ModBe, cardi: Banana Republic, necklace: me
yellow wedges: Dillards, black boots: Nine West, grey heels: Marshalls

Monday, February 7, 2011

Valentine's Day Necklaces {Red and Magenta}

I thought with Valentine's Day coming up I should have a red flower necklace to wear.

 {sorry the pic is SO blurry! camera has been acting up!!}

  While I was at the fabric store I found this magenta fabric that would match perfectly with a pair of magenta tights I found on clearance for $2.97.  {Wait til you see what I wear with them!}  I was so unbelievably excited!!

So now I have both colors in the shop ready to find a home.

{Remember, if you email me your order, you won't be charged shipping :)}
{See this blog post for the specials I'm running}

Heart {Snow} Flakes

I wanted to find something cheap and easy to do to decorate my house for Valentine's Day.  I also wanted it to be kid friendly, and this is what I found:

Isn't it the cutest thing ever? 

They're called Heart Flakes, and I learned how to do them from the February issue of Family Fun Magazine.  

If you don't have a subscription to the mag, here's a tutorial on how to make them:

 You can use a piece of origami paper or cut any paper you like into a 5 7/8" square (which is what I did).
 Next fold your paper in half one time,
 two times,
 and finally a third time.
Then fold over the small tip to the longest side of the triangle.
{excuse the horrible photo skills I have :)}
Trace a heart shape onto the paper making sure you don't cut off the tip or cut through to the folded side.
 Then you'll have something that looks like this.
Open it up and this is what you get!
After your 4 year old tells you to make more, you get this :)

We had a lot of fun making these Heart {Snow} Flakes, and I hope you do too!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Confessional

I'm linking up with Glamazon and Mamarazzi today for my free weekly therapy.  You should too!

*It has been painfully cold here in old ABQ
*I know like 60% of the rest of the country is having the same freezing temps, so I should stop whining, right?
*Well, it's like -22 degrees cold here
*That is C-O-L-D
*I have never lived in that kind of cold before!
*I grew up in sunny CA
*Lived in ID for 2 short years
*Then in LV for 12 years, and in case you don't know, it NEVER gets that cold in LV!!
*So what does the ABQ school district do?
*Cancel school
*Yep, I had all of my kiddos home this week
*I'd like to say that I had a great time with them home from school ALL week
*Well, it wasn't that bad
*It's been kind of nice {surprised myself by saying that!}
*Especially since my oldest is a built in babysitter {!!!!}
*I just hate the fact that this prolongs his school year :( {boo!}
*Anyway, back to the canceling of school
*Yes, they canceled school T-F because of the "freezing temperatures," "not being able to start the school buses," and because of a "NM gas shortage"
*Do they know that the rest of the country is freezing and with 20 ft. of snow and they still go to school?
*Guess not
*Oh, and I also enjoyed waking up to NMGas Co. turning off our gas yesterday morning because of their "gas shortages"
*They did turn it back on, but thanks for the notice guys!
*So last night I made the boys wear two sets of pajamas and hoodies to bed
*You know, just in case they turned off the heat again
*I am happy to report that they didn't {whew!}
*Other than that, I've been having fun doing crafts and dealing with a screaming not quite two year old
*Isn't that what life as mom is all about ;)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Flower Necklaces

I just put up my flower necklaces in my etsy shop.  

{Sorry it's taken so long (to all those who have been asking).}

Please feel free to order through my etsy shop, but if you'd like a discount {or if you live in ABQ and don't want to pay shipping} please just email me at hautedebdesigns [at] hotmail [dot] com with your order.

Here are the specials I'm running:

*BOGO 1/2 off {discount off lowest priced item}
*Buy 2, get a third necklace free {lowest priced item}
*Buy 3, get a free subway art {of your choosing} free
*Refer a friend {and they make a purchase} get $2 off your next order 

I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of your support and accolades.  I have such a fun time doing all of this.  And you know what makes it even more fun?  Doing it for people like you :) 

**If you find fabric that you'd like a necklace made out of, I'll make each one for 1/2 off** 


I Love Days Like This {psych!}

So for the last many, many, few days this is what I get to deal with all day:

Isn't life so hard?!

{Maybe for the mom!?}

All Dressed Up

I don't think I've ever been this cold in my life! It's like -22 here in ABQ and I'd say that's pretty cold for a LV girl. 

So, today I'm not looking too cute.  My goal is to stay warm and comfy.  I wasn't going to link up with this fantastic lady, but I decided why not? Gives me something to do in this frigid weather where anyone who goes outside is loco in my book.

{And, let's be honest, I changed right out of these clothes into my pjs ;)}

 I had to throw this pic in so you could see the a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e yellow shoes with ruffles{!}.
 jeans: AE Outfitters, sweater: Lands End Canvas, cami: Target, shoes: Target, necklace: Lands End Canvas (I think, or AE Outfitters {can't remember})
Isn't this the cutest necklace? If I had photo skills you would be able to see the cuteness of it much better. I guess you'll just have to trust me on this one.

Hopefully next week I'll be in a better mood to wear something that's actually cute and figure flattering {if you can call it that on my fat bod}.