I have loved spending the past couple of Friday's confessing along with
Glamazon. It's a lot of fun and I think you should do it too! It, seriously, is like free therapy. Come on over and try it! If anything, it's always good for a few good laughs ;)
*I have a secret
*You probably wouldn't be able to tell just from looking at me
*Unless you know me pretty well
*I don't tell many people
*I'm in pain
*EVERY day
*ALL day
*Constant pain
*I have the body of an 80 year old
*No, I'm not exaggerating
*I've been told that by several doctors
*My lovely, wonderful, oh-so-loving husband calls me a "lemon"
*It started when I was 22
*I had just had my first baby and literally could not move
*Drs. said that I'd never be able to have more children because my spine was so messed up
*{vertebraes are fusing together, discs are slipping out, and I have scoliosis}
*Nice, right?!
*I had an MRI
*Always fun
*Then I was told that I shouldn't be worrying about my back, but that I should really be worried about my hip
*My hip?
*Yeah, I would need a hip replacement
*Yes, at 22 I was told that I needed a hip replacement
*My hip bone is square {in case you're not anatomically educated, it should be round}
*I was hit be a car when I was 8 so that's how they think it started
*Fast forward 10 years to this Monday when I went to an orthopedic surgeon because my knee is KILLING me!!!
*About 1800 x-rays later, and what did I find out?
*That my hip is worse
*Yes, I need a hip replacement, but I'm too young
*Is that all they can do for my pain?
*Does my knee need surgery too?
*That's causing you massive pain daily because of the "osteoarthritis" in your hip
*I'm 32 and have arthritis?!
*Wow, I am a lemon!!!!!
*Is there anything else I can do to help alleviate the pain besides surgery?
*I can lose 20 lbs. {for every lb. I lose, it's 3 lbs. of pressure taken off of my hip bone}
*Oh, I can't exercise, though?
*Sure, that's not gonna be a problem at all! {can you sense the sarcasm?!!?}
*I was also told that on a scale of 1-10 that my hip was a 7
*There it was...
*No hope of being pain free
*I'm basically destined to a life of pain for the next 20 years
*If my hip even lasts that long
*There is seriously barely any cartilage left between my hip bone and pelvis {that's what makes your hip movement smooth}
*So I'm in pain
*All the time
*Every day
*All day
*It hurts :(
***Stay tuned for all of the other medical problems I've got. Yep, there's more! One of them deals with my lady parts. Good times, good times :)***